Road Work in and near Forest Home in Summer 2024

[Last update: 9/10/2024 7:30pm] Replacement of the gas main on Pleasant Grove Rd in Cayuga Heights is complete; new sidewalks are being installed in the same area. Town of Ithaca work on the sewer main pump station upgrade continues in the triangle by the Forest Home Park. When needed, flaggers will be operating. The project is close to completion.
Of the Town of Ithaca planned repairs for sections of road in Forest Home, the 1xx block of Forest Home Dr is still due for crack-filling. The City of Ithaca has finished reconstruction of the asphalt surface of a section of Route 366 near Belle Sherman. Check the Emergencies and Alerts page under the Forest Home tab on this website for information about signing up for SIREN to get alerts for construction projects and emergencies. See
For details and updates on road work on the Cornell campus, check


Tompkins County milled the surface of the section of Pleasant Grove Road in Forest Home on Monday June 17. They resurfaced the road on June 26 and added center line and shoulder markings on July 3. Milling took most of a day after rush hour, closing sections of one lane at a time, with flaggers. For some pictures of the work at the bottom of Pleasant Grove Road, see Re-paving started early on June 26 and asphalt spreading was completed by 4pm the same day. For pictures, see Repair to a culvert under Pleasant Grove Road part way up the steep section was completed on July 31; this involved lining the existing culvert, done without digging up the road.

Also on Pleasant Grove Road, but only within Cayuga Heights, NYSEG is replacing a gas main. The work started on June 24 at the line between the Town of Ithaca and Cayuga Heights (in the northbound lane towards Community Corners). Expect single-lane closure with flaggers. As of early September, the gas main work appears complete.  New sidewalks are now being built along the same section of Pleasant Grove Road.

The Town of Ithaca planned the following work this summer:
* Crack Sealing (June) 1xx section of Forest Home Drive, from City of Ithaca line to intersection with Pleasant Grove Road (including over Downstream Bridge).
* Crack Sealing (June) 3xx section of Forest Home Drive, and on to Dryden line. This work was done during the week ending June 14.
* Micro Sealing (June) Caldwell Road from 366 to the intersection with Forest Home Drive. This was completed except for new lane markings on June 27.

Additional Town of Ithaca work has been obvious in the triangle by the Forest Home Park. This is the continuation of the sewer main pump station replacement. See pictures with narrative from last Fall at Pictures (without narrative) for July 9 are at and for July 10 are at  A third album covers miscellaneous further activity:  A fourth album, for early September, is at

Starting June 17 and continuing for about 5 weeks, the City of Ithaca performed asphalt pavement reconstruction on sections of Route 366 between the “Five Corners” intersection involving Dryden Rd, Maple Ave, and Oak Ave and route 79.